7 September 2020 year 1339

A resident of the Ferghana region kept 1.1 kg of drugs at home

On November 12 this year, during an operational event conducted by the police Department of the kuvinsky district of the Ferghana region, it was established that the previously convicted 34-year-old K. M. keeps drugs at home.

When examining the place of residence of K. M. by police officers, in the bedroom of the house near the gas stove was found a plastic bag with a green substance of plant origin, with a specific smell, which was seized in the prescribed manner.

According to the conclusion of the forensic chemical examination, the substance seized from the house of K. M. in a plastic bag is a narcotic substance "marijuana" with a total weight of 1.100 grams.

On this fact, the Investigative Department at the police Department of the kuvinsky district in respect of K. M. opened a criminal case under item a part 2 of article 276 (Illegal manufacture, acquisition, storage and other actions with large-scale narcotic drugs, their analogues or psychotropic substances without the purpose of sale) for which he was involved as a suspect.

Investigative Department under the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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